- Tell me about your hometown.
- I come from Beijing. I am native of this city. Beijing is the capital of China. In Beijing, there are many historical buildings. Beijing Duck is very famous – I always eat it with my friends.
- Tell me about your hometown.
- Well, as you can probably guess, I come from Beijing and I have lived here all my life, although at the moment I’m studying in another city – Tianjin. I suppose, if I had to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it’s absolutely enormous, maybe even one of the biggest cities in Asia, I guess. It’s so big that, in fact, even the locals have problems finding their way around. Another significant characteristic is that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually, some of the China’s most renowned landmarks are “slap-bang” in the middle of Beijing.
大家不难看出,与第一个考生的回答相比,该考生的回答使用了大量的冗词,即可有可无,不影响表意的词汇和表达,如这里的Well, as you can probably guess.../ I suppose, if I had to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that .../ I guess/ in fact/ Another significant characteristic is that.... 在这里,我一定要跟大家说明一个事实:考官真的不在乎你的家乡是哪里,那里有什么,考官真正在乎的只是考生能不能用多样化的语言表述这个事实。所以,请大家想尽办法,一定要向考官展示出你的语言能力!正如中国古话所说,“不以善小而不为”,大家不要觉得这是口语中Part 1的部分,而觉得只要随意地简单说两句就可以了。在这里,我给各位考生一个建议,这是雅思口语答案比较理想的结构,可以用在口语考试的任何一个部分。
lead-in phrase
1st pointing phrase
point 1
linking word/ phrase + detail about point 1
2nd pointing phrase
point 2
linking word/ phrase + detail about point 2
3rd pointing phrase
point 3
linking word/ phrase + detail about point 3