1. Address:19 Hallway, Deighton, postcode YN224PT
2. daytime telephone number:01295 477039
3. detached house layout with: three bedrooms
4. age of the house: 40 years old (lived here for 22 years yet the house is built 40 years ago)
5. property type: house; construction material: stone (女的开始问是否是brick,男的说马上说是stone)
6. 房子有:garage (但是男的说不是用来停车的)
7. security feature: alarm needs to be installed
8. office equipment (?1000)
9. content in the freezer (?500)
10. date of moving in: 1st April (女的问是从1st March开始吗?干扰信息)
A. Travel agency
B. An actor
C. Journalist
Q12:What makes her fall in love with travel?
A. Watched documentaries in childhood
B. Her parents’ passion
C. Her parents are geographers
Q13: When was the first UK ski resortestablished?
A. 1920s
B. 1930s
C. 1960s
Q14: what kind of activity is especially recommended beside ski?
Playing golf and enjoythe beautiful view
Q15. What do they recommend in the Edmore region?
A. landscape of UK
B. mountain hiking in Europe
C. …around the world
21. Internet
22. stuck
23. steam
24. their tutors
25. bird’s nest
26. oxygen
27. Television programme
28. plastic bottle
29. protected by wood cover
30. salt is not pure
31. survey from health department and University
Three aspects of investigation:
32. food allergies and food intake
33. eating pattern, sample dietary: physical activity
34. how this survey choose the school?
答案:the respondents are selected at a random sample
35. how do they finish the test for the result?
答案:at home (with their parents with them)
36. young children compared with old children: 答案:A
A. more exercises than the other
B. less worried about weight
C. wide range of food or advertising
37. old children are:
答案:more easily to be influenced by their peers
38. Some European kids are lack of vitamin A
39. Pacific (Maori) children eat more fish than European children
40. beside government and social professionals, workers, schools should also concern the issue.