词的转换一般指的是只涉及单个单词的转换。单个单词的转换包括词性转换及同义词转换。其中词性转换是比较容易的一种,考生即便遇见不认识的单词,也可以通过词根词缀进行猜测。如剑6中原文出现diabetes,考生并不熟悉糖尿病这个词汇,但是题目中使用的是diabetic。相信考生在定位的过程中遇见这样的转换不会出现太大的定位困难。另,在不带选项的Summary题型中,介于其很多题目仍然以细节为主,词性的转换在解题的过程中常常是一个考察的主要技能。如,原文:Beyond this, it is also of paramount importance to recognize and understand the conventions of discourse structure, both generally and within specific subject areas.
题目要求:Complete the summary below by choosing a maximum of two words from the above paragraph to fill the spaces.
题目:To extract meaning quickly are effectively, it is also important to recognize conventional ___________ and the importance of the topic sentence and discourse markers.
词组的转换一般情况下是同义词转换的一个衍生。当一个词没有办法用另一个同义词到位的解释时,可能会出现用词组解释的情况。另外如果本身就是词组的形式,那么一般来讲还是会用词组的形式进行解释。如剑5当中的Text 4 Q36题目中的表述是 birds in temperate climates,而原文对应的描述是temperate-zone birds.这种情况在T/F/NG当中也有体现。绝大多数选TRUE的情况,原文和题目一定会经过同义转换,如,
原文:Computers are gaining in popularity, despite their cost.
题目:Computers are more popular than they used to be.
原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the international society as a newly-emerging dangerous tool in the hands of terrorists.
题目:The international society has often criticized the Internet because it is not safe.