关于cheatgrass入侵的解决办法(Options to solve cheatgrass problem)
1. 可以饲养食草动物(the writer claims that it is an option to encourage animals such as cattle to eat cheatgrass;);
2. 可以放火烧掉(the writer proposes to use controlled fire eliminating cheatgrass.);
3. 可以使用fungal parasite杀死(Thirdly, the writer states that using fungal pesticide tore strict cheatgrass.);
1. 食草动物不喜欢吃cheatgrass,所以会先吃native grass(The speaker refutes it by saying that those animals prefer to eat native plants);
2. 大火只能烧到表面,而seeds have been pushed into soil(The speaker believes it won’t solve this problem because the seeds cannot be destroyed.);
3. fungal parasite和cheatgrass live together for a long time,cheatgrass已经抵制攻击,这个方法只对老弱病残的cheatgrass有用(The speaker raises the fact that they have lived together for thousands years, and the fungus just work on injured cheatgrass)。
A: A/D: To be a successful person, one must open up to new ideas and willing to change his or her mind.
B: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should be open to new ideas and change his or her mind to be successful.
A卷题目是绝对词类话题;B卷题目为建议类话题/二选一话题). 注意区别处理这两类题目。